Feather Trimmings

A. Turkey Feather Trimmings

B. Ostrich & Turkey Feather Trimmings

C. Ostrich Feather Trimmings

D. Other Feather Trimmings

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A. Turkey Feather Trimmings


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 100g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 75g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 100g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 150g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 110g. / 2 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 80g. / 2 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 140g. / 2 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 150g. / 2 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 150g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 100g. / 2 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 10 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 65g. / 10 mt.


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Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 40g. / 2 mt.


B. Ostrich & Turkey Feather Trimmings


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2-ply Ostrich & Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 30g. / 2 mt.


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Ostrich & Turkey Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 25g. / 2 mt.


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Ostrich & Turkey Feather Trimming


C. Ostrich Feather Trimmings


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4-ply Ostrich Feather Trimming

Length : 2 meter / pc.

Weight* : approx. 40g. / 2 mt.


D. Other Feather Trimmings


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Feather Trimming

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Feather Trimming with Gold Tinsel

* Weight of Trimming allow 5% more or less finished.

Please contact us for enquiry and price list.

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Union Feather Co.   Tel: (852) 2396 4328    Fax: (852) 2789 4222  
Email: ufc@unionfeather.com.hk